Thursday, December 2, 2010

5-8 Journal Making! Start saving now...

Students will be working on creating a visual journal. They will combine sketches, visuals and words in a way that lets others know who they are. For the next few weeks, students will gather materials. I would encourage them to use a gallon size zip lock bag to store their artifacts in.

They will collect labels, doodles, sketches, poems, stamps and receipts that reflect what they like and what interests them. They should collect images that they like from other sources. Examples include photos from magazines and newspapers, ticket stubs, brochures, and personal photos of their family and friends. They can make photocopies on their scanners at home or I will make copies of any photos, so that it is only paper used in the journals. They will also create portraits and sketches in class of themselves, their friends, family, or pets, places they like, sports they are interested in, coins, cars, flowers, cell phones, etc.

Once a large selection of work is collected, students will organize their images into a series of five 6 x 9” compositions. The images selected should tell a story or relate to one another.

Art Contests K-12

Crayola Dreammakers Art Contest K-12 deadline approaches for submission! December 13 deadline. For submission details, please check out the website:

Scholastic Art and Writing deadline is December 10 for a $5 submission fee or January 7 for a $10 fee. Winners receive up to $1000.

To submit artwork, you need a 300 pi digital camera. Good luck!!